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Old Jan 21, 2006, 01:53 PM // 13:53   #1
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Default This weekend is sucking so far

im having a really hard time getting faction with all my CA teams consisting of only assassins and ritualist, which both are completely garbage classes so far, and it seems im always stuck with the people who are playing for free
im getting tired of these A-Holes with SS builds picking on these newbs, im trying to kill a monk and i see my 3 assassin teammates die like insects being crushed by a boot and it sickens me
i counted 56 matches in a row without a monk on my team
and as bad as CA is, TA is even worse, 99% of the people there are assassins and ritualists trying to be invited into parties
im not pvping any more this weekend, thanks ANet for ruining what should have been a fun weekend
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 01:56 PM // 13:56   #2
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my question is: "how did Anet ruin YOUR fun weekend?"
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 02:33 PM // 14:33   #3
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Guild battles guys... 1000+ faction per win... Still the BEST way to earn and use faction... But it is STILL often the most overlooked. IN any case... Most of us have saved up faction special for this event. and it was worth it. IMO. I know I'll do the same again for the Factions launch. The thing that upsets me is all that faction will likly be lost when the relase happens they will likly reset the unlocked items to locked again. and have to do it all again. thats why I expected to see a UAS for the new classes for the Weekend events. Oh well... Loosing faction at least is something you can always get more of... just takes time.
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 02:35 PM // 14:35   #4
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The world is obviously out to get you, because nobody else gets those same type of teams comprised of premade pvp templates, with players just starting out unfamiliar with their handling, lacking the runes and skills to make better use of them.
Additionally, the Tombs, Guild vs Guild, and Team Arena, are all unaccessible to you, and only you, so that you can't pre-form your team to your standards before the battle when the Random Arenas aren't working out for you.

Oh, wait...

The random arenas are NEVER fun, unless you either enjoy bringing in powerful builds to mow down unprepared teams (which is right now mostly Spiteful Necros.), or you're prepared to face disappointing random team assignments with a happy smile (And people that don't bring, or fail to use Resurrection Signet in a timely matter.) There's a large influx of players trying out new things, which is what most people use the RA's for, particularly when they can't test scrimmage in GvG to an alternate practice guild, or another medium of PvP battle.

There ARE other options though, and other people are going through the same things. Elect to use them, or suck it up knowing that luck is a huge factor in the RA's.

Edit: For the record, I enjoy all forms of PvP in varying amounts, including the RA.

Last edited by Mercury Angel; Jan 21, 2006 at 02:41 PM // 14:41..
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 04:15 PM // 16:15   #5
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Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
Guild battles guys... 1000+ faction per win... Still the BEST way to earn and use faction... But it is STILL often the most overlooked. IN any case... Most of us have saved up faction special for this event. and it was worth it. IMO. I know I'll do the same again for the Factions launch. The thing that upsets me is all that faction will likly be lost when the relase happens they will likly reset the unlocked items to locked again. and have to do it all again. thats why I expected to see a UAS for the new classes for the Weekend events. Oh well... Loosing faction at least is something you can always get more of... just takes time.
I can happily sya that you are wrong on that count.
Everything you unlock on a normal account this weekend will remain unlocked

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Old Jan 21, 2006, 04:19 PM // 16:19   #6
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Yep it was Gaile I believe who said that whatever you unlock remains unlocked if you buy Chapter 2, not sure how that's going to work for people that don't have CHapter 1 already though.
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 04:26 PM // 16:26   #7
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Originally Posted by Deathqueen
Yep it was Gaile I believe who said that whatever you unlock remains unlocked if you buy Chapter 2, not sure how that's going to work for people that don't have CHapter 1 already though.
the site said a chapter 2 temp account would be activated as a full chapter 2 account when you buy chapter 2 and add the key to the temp account

i am going on vacation in presear as i have seen enough to know that however nice it is for new players they have not made a pvp convert out of me.

waiting for my turn when the PVE event happens
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 04:29 PM // 16:29   #8
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Great weekend for me, i farmed a huge amount of faction in random arenas with my boon prot.
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 04:31 PM // 16:31   #9
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i was in a team last night at 11ish and we got 3 monks in a group, i guess ia m stealing all of yours
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 04:54 PM // 16:54   #10
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Originally Posted by BBoy_Manchild
im having a really hard time getting faction with all my CA teams consisting of only assassins and ritualist, which both are completely garbage classes so far, and it seems im always stuck with the people who are playing for free
im getting tired of these A-Holes with SS builds picking on these newbs, im trying to kill a monk and i see my 3 assassin teammates die like insects being crushed by a boot and it sickens me
i counted 56 matches in a row without a monk on my team
and as bad as CA is, TA is even worse, 99% of the people there are assassins and ritualists trying to be invited into parties
im not pvping any more this weekend, thanks ANet for ruining what should have been a fun weekend
Well what did you expect?

Everyone wants to try out all these new classes and since they wont have any skills yet, they will pick the templates.

Unless you prepared for the weekend by stocking up on faction, you will be stuck with the templates.

That and we've had very little time to study the skills and make some decent builds.

This weekend is for experimenting and testing. And the question i ask you remains.

What did you expect?
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 05:06 PM // 17:06   #11
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It's like open Beta testing all over again - oh wait, that's exactly what it is. Just like the last pvp weekend...

Obvious I know but as no-one had mentioned it (and Saints lost AGAIN) I might as well.
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 06:28 PM // 18:28   #12
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Originally Posted by BBoy Manchild
thanks ANet for ruining what should have been a fun weekend
You really need to specify "...for ruining what should have been a fun weekend for YOU..."

Just because you had a bad experience or dont enjoy the new additions, doesnt mean the weekend is a bust. It just means YOU didnt have fun. 90% or more of GW players thoroughly enjoy it. Maybe its because YOU havent really gotten the hang of either of the two new classes? Maybe you dont realize that this is PvP TESTING so things will be quite different for a time.

Your bad experience does not carry over for everyone "ruining a fun weekend". i just hope you at least try before crying about the new classes. Its actually kinda funny that you complain there are nothing but Assasins and Ritualists, I mean, HELLOOOO!!! New classes!?!? Means everyone wants to try them!?? wow, im sorry that was just a lame OP topic...

AAaaannnd.... continue....
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 06:44 PM // 18:44   #13
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Why am i not the least bit surprised that BBoy started this thread?
Your always complaining and undermining people on this forum.

And you say ANet ruined your weekend?
lol, its funny that you rely on them to make you happy.
Cant you find something else to do and stop bi@#ing that you didnt get your way for once?

But anways, Im enjoying the weekend.

And im sure BBoy expected unicorns and rainbows and everyone worshipping him.
Oh, I almost forgot about the law that states that if BBoy isnt happy, no one else can be either.

Last edited by Lambentviper; Jan 21, 2006 at 06:46 PM // 18:46..
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 06:44 PM // 18:44   #14
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Originally Posted by BBoy_Manchild
thanks ANet for ruining what should have been a fun weeked
Errr. . .what? I dislike the people going around with A/W prebuilts asking how they attack just as much as you, but I would rather ANet stuck to a policy of free open beta testing rather than reserving it for those who already have the game. I am sure they are losing money on this, they have to pay for the server loads and huge amounts of characters created, but they continue to offer it. . .free to anyone who wants to test it.

I enjoy RA. I have spent hundred of hours in it over the past months, because it is simple and fun. At times it is frustrating, especially now since no one seems intelligent enough to put a res signet on the bar of a premade, but how is that different from the thousands of W/Mo's without a res?

Originally Posted by BBoy_Manchild
im having a really hard time getting faction with all my CA teams consisting of only assassins and ritualist, which both are completely garbage classes so far, and it seems im always stuck with the people who are playing for free
im getting tired of these A-Holes with SS builds picking on these newbs, im trying to kill a monk and i see my 3 assassin teammates die like insects being crushed by a boot and it sickens me
Now, you say you are tired of seeing all ritualists and assassins. Then you complain about seeing necros. What do you want, everyone to run monks so you can farm faction? Go make a monk yourself if you are that desperate, but those with spiteful spirit necros or anti-melee mesmers are, thats right, thinking before going in. More importantly, what did you expect? Sure, I like being able to unlock things so that I'll have less to do and can be done with the game that much faster when chapter two comes out, but I happen to like the new classes. So I can either spend my time faction farming, or I can have fun. Choice seems easy to me.

If you really are just interisted in faction farming, go to teams, tombs, or better, GvG. Don't try and find one of the many pugs, take your friends. Or your guild mates. Or the people you tombed with last night. But stop complaining about people using the three days they have access to these classes to actually play the classes, rather than playing monks so you can faction farm in RA.
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 07:05 PM // 19:05   #15
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The Weekend isn't "Sucking" - but I agree it could be better.

First: If you have no faction coming in (like all the people having to use the demo key) - Then Its garbage for real. You only get to use the prebuilds - Which (especially for the ritualist) are garbage without some editting, And you only get the chance to try out their impressions of the classes - I dont have enough faction for it but I'd have LOVED to try out a support Ritualist, not just one that spams random spirits doing nothing else, one thats just a monk with differnet skills, and one where all it is, is a horrible Ranger damage dealer with a random spirit and a weapon spell (that quite honestly works out worse than just a pure ranger damage dealer - as ANY of the ranger preps works out better than Brutal Weapon - and doesnt force you to put attirbute points in secondary) .

Second: For people that can use existing classes effectively (like they are doing event from their main account, like me) - then these two new classes just get OWNED HARD by any half decent existing character build. This is half due to the fact that the assassins and ritualists are forced to buy all their skills so people dont have experience with builds or even the chance to get experienced, and half due to the balancing of their untested skills in the wider market. The guy mentioned eariler watching his whole Assassin team getting sqaushed in the arenas..This is happening all day.

It REALLY isn't convincing anyone else to buy Factions if they weren't already buying it.

That being the main reason for the Event - I think Anet has failed on that part.

I do love getting to try out new classes and stuff even if PvP isn't totally my thing (I can't do the arenas for hours).
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 07:32 PM // 19:32   #16
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Originally Posted by Former Ruling
It REALLY isn't convincing anyone else to buy Factions if they weren't already buying it.
Quoted for truth. Former, I think I found something we can agree on

On a related note: I think a PvE preview is in order, and would do much, *MUCH* better in convincing new players to get CH2 ... I mean, these poor folks that have never played guild wars before are being thrown into what is, essentialy, one of the more focused, diffucult areas of the game to be sure ... without even an extended tutorial period (aka, pre-sear). I've taken to trying to help those poor folks that have never played before learn the basics, as I really feel very sorry for them that their first experience (after the henchie arenas, of course) goes something like:

*New Player has entered the game*
(some skirmish)
(New Player is dead)
Stupid jerk: "Hahaha, I owned your nub ass ... "

Doesn't paint a great picture for what is, otherwise, a very excellent game
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 07:39 PM // 19:39   #17
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If anybody's weekend was ruined it would be the new people just starting out in PvP, they don't really know how to play or the subtleties of the skill bar, so they end up dieing alot, that would kill any joy in a game. I think PvE ascalon woul have been a better intro into the game.

I have enjoyed the PvP Training content a bit, but mainly as my ranger. I have played the 2 new classes. The only thing I don't understand about PvP content is, why when I unlock an item, in this case runes, I can't use them right away? It seems to me I have to delete the character and start over. Now I have deleted many characters, for assorted reasons but when I create the prefect look, the perfect build and that character does well I kind of get attached to it, as such, even if I don't get any new slots, my Ranger is going to Catha.

The Assassin build was interesting, although I never could get the hang of the Ritualist. Too bad the new female's don't have dance emotes (or as of 20-01).

As far as the new updates, I do like the way I can pick the color of armor right off the bat and the way the new hairstyltes and faces are upfront so you no longer have to arrow back and forth.
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 08:12 PM // 20:12   #18
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Only fun I'm not having is the wife hounding me every second to do something instead of playing GW
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 08:14 PM // 20:14   #19
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Too many Assasins and Rits? Come on, its new, everyone wants to test it out. If the expansion is here, everyone will go back to their main chars.
This weekend was alot of fun for me
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Old Jan 21, 2006, 08:48 PM // 20:48   #20
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I guess to a person who has never played GW before this preview is a bit like your first game of Counterstrike or Q3:Rocket Arena. Instant death followed by undecipherable comments...
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